Moving South Africa forward, faster!

Our vision for South Africa is to move forward, faster. Our focus is firmly on being of service to under resourced South African children and youth. We believe that if children meet age-appropriate development goals, they can progress faster in life. We offer services through every developmental phase, from early childhood up to young adult […]


August is known as Women’s month in South Africa. It’s a time when we honour all women, but we particularly remember the women that marched to the Union Building on 9 August 1956 to contest the pass laws of the Apartheid regime. Their imprint on our collective psyche has brought the importance of honouring and […]

Why physical education is key to a long and healthy life.

Physical education often gets overlooked when compared to other, more academic based subjects, when in fact it is the only subject to truly engage the child’s body, mind and spirit. It offers a holistic learning experience which promotes not only physical health but contributes to the individual’s holistic well-being. One of the biggest challenges we […]

Skills Programmes

A key factor where Forward Foundation enables South Africans to move forward, faster is through training and career path development. Forward Foundation realise this through learnerships and skills programmes. The first round of training enrolled under Forward Foundation’s learnerships programme, is different skills programmes that started in March 2021 and will officially end in August […]