Sport Development
Sport Development
Having worked in underserved schools for over 15 years, we have identified many talented young rugby players without structured support. This led to the establishment of Forward Foundation’s Sport Development Programme.
The programme is designed to help players reach their sports potential and grow their leadership ability and life skills. It focuses on various development components, including skills development, fitness, SAQ, and agility work.
The Forward Foundation Sports Programme currently includes touch and sevens rugby and aims to expand to include other sports codes in the future.
Sport Development
Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby
Launched in 2010, the touch rugby programme offers players between the ages of 16 and 24, mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds, an opportunity to belong, learn, and grow as individuals.
Players are invited to attend trials annually, where a squad of 24 players join a training program running through the course of the year leading up to the Hot Summer of Touch (HSOT) tournament. This tournament consists of eight beach tournaments along the South Coast, usually starting at Camps Bay and finishing in Hartenbos. The team also plays in various invitational events during the year, serving as a platform to recruit players to Forward Foundation’s professional team. The team consists of 12 players, while the remaining 12 players play in the open division of the HSOT. The professional team has an extraordinarily successful record, finishing in the top three for the past 10 years and winning the series six times (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018). As a result of the players’ success and achievements, their communities have become enthusiastic supporters, and the players have become role models for younger children.

Sevens Rugby
The Forward Foundation’s sevens programme was launched in 2015 based on the touch rugby successes. The team immediately succeeded, winning various invitational events and being strong contenders in many tournaments. The teams have had the privilege to play various friendlies against the Springbok Sevens in their preparations for the HSBC World Rugby Series. This type of interaction and support has been extremely valuable and formative for the youth in our sports program.