Wherever you live, keeping your kids active during the winter months as well as through the Covid-19 outbreak can be a challenge. Winter months, we tend to think of curling up in bed with our kids, watching movies and stuffing our faces with popcorn and Astros… Although this can be great for a Friday night treat, you can find yourself faced with the question on how to keep your kids active, so that they don’t fall into the wave of screen-time overload.

Keeping kids active (especially during the third wave) is vital for their health and development (and your sanity). Which is why we have composed a list of fun educational activities to try out, as well as tips on how to survive those days when you feel like pulling your hair out with frustration or if cabin fever starts tickling.



  • Plan your week ahead,
  • Schedule two – three activities per day
  • Stick to the routine, so that your child(ren) knows what each day hold for them
  • Offer a reward system, to motivate them to stick to the routine, and then be rewarded on a Friday over the weekend
  • Depending on your child’s age, get them involved in the planning of the different activities
  • Do some activities with your child, to add the ‘involved parent’ element to their activities.



  • YouTube offers great kids orientated yoga and physical activity channels. This can be a great activity to kick start your morning with.
  • Have a dance party at home: put on music and get them to move to the beat with slow and fast songs, running on the spot, skipping and jumping to the beat. For fun, dance to their favourite songs, as well as yours!
  • Shuffle the furniture around in the house or garage to create space to play indoor games, such as:
  • Balloon soccer or ‘how long can you keep the balloon in the air.
  • An indoor treasure hunt or hide and seek- this can be a great ‘reward’ activity.
  • Bean bag throws- by packing out different pots, Tupperware, mixing bowls ect.
  • Sock tennis, soccer or cricket.
  • Use tape to mark out and play hopscotch
  • Build an indoor obstacle course using pillows, blankets, table and chairs to go over, under and around.
  • When they are allowed to have their screen time, let your children sit on an exercise ball, instead of lying on the couch.
  • Incorporate different animal walks for different areas of the house.
  • Make sensory clay, slime, sensory bubbles, gu – Pinterest have great recipes


Whatever your game-plan is, remember to make it fun. A little physical activity is better than nothing. Have FUN with your kids and make fun memories for them to remember for many years to come!


Written by Analja van Zyl (Head of Kinetix Practice)

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